Thursday, April 2, 2020

Food that help to Boost your immunity

What is immunity:

Numerous individuals fall sick on seasonal changes. This happens due to lack of immunity in body.
The immune system is the body's defense against infections. The immune system attacks germs and helps keep humans healthy.

When the body finds foreign substances, the immune system works to recognize and get rid of them.

Immunodeficiency disorders:

Immunodeficiency is classified in two ways
a) Primary Immunodeficiency
b) Secondary Immunodeficiency

Primary Immunodeficiency diseases (PIDD) caused at the time of birth. Infections will be effected repeatedly for the persons who are having Primary Immunodeficiency disease.

Signs and symptoms of primary immunodeficiency can include

  • Reoccurrence of pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infections, ear infections
  • Blood disorders, such as low platelet counts or anemia
  • Delayed growth and development
Proper doctor treatment and good lifestyle habits can control PIDD up to some extent.
  • Physically active
  • Enough sleep
  • Frequent hand wash 
  • Managing stress levels
  • Consume healthy food
Secondary Immunodeficiency diseases caused when external toxic substances entered in to the body. 

Foods that help to boot immunity:

Citrus fruits: 
Citrus fruits contain Vitamin C, helps to improve immunity in body.
Few citrus fruits are
Orange, grape fruit, Lime, Lemon

Red Bell Pepper:
This vegetable is having Vitamin C and Beta carotene. This will help to improve immunity and also helps to keep skin healthy.

This is a extremely helpful and significant vegetable to keep in house. It used to lessen sore throat, inflammation etc. People who have sore throat can consume Ginger tea.
Regular consumption of Ginger will help to fight against bacteria and keep human healthy.

Spinach is very good infection fighting leafy vegetable. Regular consumption of Spinach helps to boost the immunity power in human body.


Yogurt is a good source of Vitamin D. It will fight against bacteria and helps to keep the body healthy. Always suggested to consume plain Yogurt. 

Turmeric is a very good anti bacterial, anti inflammatory powder used from many years. Taking Turmeric will help to boost the immunity power inside the human body.

Sweet Potato:
It is a very good source of Vitamin A. It helps to improve immune system inside the body. Consumption of Sweet Potato helps to fight against the infections and helps to improve aging process.

Consumption of Pomegranate helps to fight against viruses and also from flu. It is recommend to take Pomegranate as a fruit or in juice format.

So it is recommended to change our lifestyles and have a healthy food habits. This will help us to improve our immunity power and helps to reduce the attacks of diseases.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Health benefits of Vitamin B12

What is Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is also known as Cobalamin. Majorly this vitamin will be available in animal food, diary products and few vegetables.

Health benefits of Vitamin B12
Health benefits of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps to function nerve cells normally. It helps to form red blood cells and DNA synthesis.

Vitamin B12 - Almonds and Cereals

How much Vitamin B12 is required 

AgeAmount of Vitamin B12
1 year0.5 mcg
1 - 3 years0.9 mcg
4 - 8 years1.2 mcg
9 - 13 years1.8 mcg
14 - 18 years2.4 mcg
Adults2.4 mcg

Health benefits behind Vitamin B12.

If we consume Vitamin B12 regularly, there is a chance for the prevention of Anemia. As Vitamin B12 helps for the Red Blood cells formation, it will not lead to Anemic conditions.

Vitamin B12 helps to increase strength for the bone and will prevent Osteoporosis. Majorly in elderly people, Osteoporosis will be affected and Vitamin B12 will help to prevent this condition,

As age grows, there is a chance of memory loss. Once people grow old, there is a chance of loss of neurons in brain. Regular in take of Vitamin B12 will help to reduce this condition. 

Vitamin B12 will keep humans active and will reduce the fatigue symptoms. As Vitamin B12 is water soluble, if any one take excess Vitamin, it will eliminated from the urine.

Lack of Vitamin B12 will cause hair fall, and hyper pigmentation (change in skin color) and cracked nails. So it is highly recommended to consume Vitamin B12 food, if it is not sufficient from the food, always recommended to consume through supplements.

Vitamin B12 deficiency from childhood will lead to severe health issues after grown up. It is highly recommended to consume Vitamin  B12 food from child hood.

Vitamin B12 - meat food and Salmon

Food that contain Vitamin B12

  • Curd & Yoghurt, 
  • Low fat Milk
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Salmon
  • Fortified Cereals
  • Liver
As Vitamin B12 does not contain much for vegetarians or vegans, it is highly recommended to take additional supplements with doctor advice.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Social media and digital screens increase Anxiety levels in teens

Many research articles stated that - Usage of digital screens such as TV, computers, video games, smart phones will increase the anxiety levels in teenagers and adolescents.

What is Anxiety:

Every human will undergo stressful situation in life at any time. How our body and mind will respond to those situations will lead to anxiety.

If human respond to them in relaxed way, anxiety levels will be very less. If any human responds to stressful situations in bad way, anxiety levels will be very high.

Anxiety is a human emotion which is directly related to mind.

Symptoms of Anxiety:

  1. Heart rate and blood flow increase
  2. Restlessness
  3. No Proper sleep
  4. Cannot concentrate on any work
  5. Worried nature
  6. Irritability
Recent many medical research team expresses that usage of digital screens will lead to increase in anxiety levels for adolescents. Researchers conducted a research for the group of people and for a anxiety group, no digital screens are provided and for other anxiety group digital screens are provided.

Study is observed that for the group which has digital screens, their anxiety levels increased in long run. Anxiety levels are related to the time spent on the digital medium screens.

Home remedies to decrease Anxiety and stress levels:
  1. Changing the lifestyle and making themselves active and healthy.
    Exercising and walking regularly will help to reduce the anxiety levels slowly and will lead to healthy life
    Walking will reduce anxiety levels
  2. Regular meditation also will help to reduce anxiety levels. Practicing yoga with the help of yoga instructors. Yoga is a very good practice to reduce anxiety levels and yoga help to change the lifestyle in positive manner. Regular yoga practice can show the improved results.
    Yoga helps to reduce anxiety levels
  3. Taking healthy diet and regular consumption of vegetables and fruits will help to lower the anxiety, stress and depression levels. Eating citrus fruits helps to keep anxiety levels in control.

  4. It is strongly recommended to reduce or stop taking alcohol, cigarette and coffee habits. These habits not only effect on physical body, but also effect on mental health and will lead to anxiety, stress and depression in long run.  Always it is recommended to stop alcohol and smoking habits.
    Anxiety- Smoking and drinking
  5. It is better to have timely sleep and requires minimum 7 to 8 hours sleep. Proper sleep will help to normalize the hormonal levels and help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Many teens and adolescents have a habit of using smartphones while sleeping. This will lead to increase the problem. Researchers suggested to stop using these mediums while sleeping or in bedrooms.
    Proper Sleep - Anxiety

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Benefits of Top 14 Fiber Food in Daily Diet

What is Fiber Food :

Fiber food is also called as roughage and can be obtained from vegetables and fruits. Fiber food does not digest in human digestive tract and will help to keep human gut safe.

There are 2 types of Fiber

Insoluble Fiber:
Does not soluble in water and will help to cure constipation.

Soluble Fiber:
Soluble in water and helps to reduce blood sugar levels and Cholesterol levels.

Top Fiber food

Regular intake of fiber food helps to improve digestive health. It also helps to control sugar levels in blood. Regular consumption also helps to reduce colorectal cancer. Some of the fiber food helps in weight loss.

Fruits that contains Fiber food

  1. Strawberries
  2. Apples with skin
  3. Bananas
  4. Avacados
  5. Died Figs
  6. Oranges
Benefits of Top 14 Fiber Food in Daily Diet

Vegetables that contain Fiber Food
  1. Beans
    1. Kidney Beans
    2. Split Beans
    3. French Beans
    4. Black Beans
  2. Broccoli
  3. Chick Peas
  4. Sweet Potatoes
  5. Carrots
  6. Spinach
  7. Cabbage
  8. Cauliflower
Benefits of Top 14 Fiber Food in Daily Diet
Along with the above fruits and vegetables, Fiber food is available in Sweet corns, Wheat, Brown rice, Oats etc

Regular consumption of fiber food keep gut safe and can avoid problems as constipation, indigestion. Fiber can keep check to sugar levels and cholesterol problems.

Note: For the people who are already having problems better to follow doctors advise. This is just an information.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Health Benefits of Cabbage

Cabbage is a vegetable which contains enormous amount of nutrients. Eating Cabbage weekly once  in our regular diet, will help to reduce many health problems.

Health Benefits of Cabbage

Cabbage will help in resolving many health issues.

  • Weight loss is a big challenge for the obese people. Regular intake of Cabbage helps to lose weight. As Cabbage is rich in fiber and zero fat, it helps to improve digestion and removes toxic from the body and helps in weight loss.

    Cabbage for weight loss
  • To improve immunity in human body, Vitamin C is plays vital role. Among 100g of Cabbage contains 36.6 g of Vitamin C . Regular consumption of Cabbage will help to improve our immunity and can lead a healthy life. Once Cabbage consumption is started, people can avoid taking Vitamin C supplements.

    Cabbage rich in Vitamin C
  • People who are suffering from joint pains, arthritis, can consume Cabbage as one of the item in their diet. Cabbage is having good amount of Glutamine, which helps to reduce inflammations. Glutamine is a anti inflammatory agent, which present in Cabbage helps to reduce inflammations.
  • As Cabbage acts as anti inflammatory agent, it helps to reduce Ulcers too.
  • Cabbage is rich in Potassium, helps in reducing blood pressure. People who are suffering from high blood pressure, can consume Cabbage might help in reducing the problem.
  • Cabbage is rich source for Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium. Taking Cabbage regularly in our diet helps to improve bone strength.  It helps to reduce the Osteoporosis problem.

Note: This is just an information, People who are already using medicines for their ailments, can continue as per their doctor advice.

Monday, February 25, 2019

How to lose weight | Simple steps to lose weight

Losing weight is not a difficult task, but require strong determination.

How to lose weight:  Taking proper diet according to a diet plan. Following doctors or nutritionists advises.

Diet plan  is provided in below YouTube video.

What not to eat to lose weight:

Avoid taking of sugar related foods.
Avoid - Chocolates, milkshakes, pastries, cakes, ice creams, cool drinks, carbonated drinks, sweets

What to eat to lose weight:

Take more amount of vegetables includes, green leafy vegetables, carrots,beetroots, radish, pumpkin, cucumber....

Take more amount of fruits - Bananas, Apples, strawberries, oranges, papaya.....

Consuming the above food regularly in diet will help to reduce weight with in short period of time.